Flower-Rich Grasslands – Small Steps, Big Impact


With „LIFE-IP ForEst&FarmLand" project, three farmers have taken a significant step this year to increase biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Aivar Mikkus from Kirbla OÜ established grassland strips on a 20-hectare field, Kalmer Visnapuu from Piira talu created grassland strips on a 46-hectare field, and Sander Hiire from Mäemõisa OÜ established them on a 32-hectare field. On all these fields, we are experimenting with different seed mixtures to support biodiversity and ecosystem services (such as pest control and pollination) in agricultural landscapes. Additionally, Airi Külvet from Puutsa talu is creating a species-rich cultural pasture.

A species-rich and flower-abundant grassland strip doesn't take up much space in the agricultural landscape but creates a valuable habitat for both natural pollinators and the natural enemies of crop pests, such as hoverflies, ground beetles, spiders, or wasps. Pollinators and natural enemies of pests help improve crop quality and reduce the need for pesticides.

According to Sander Hiire, a representative of Mäemõisa OÜ, establishing grassland strips is a small step on a global scale, but a big step in embracing a new mindset. Sander, who has become an active spokesperson for young farmers, plans to create a long grassland strip across several fields this autumn to create a green corridor within the agricultural landscape.

This summer, researchers from the University of Tartu will begin monitoring the grassland strips established last year on Sadala Agro field. They will study plants, birds, insects (including pollinators, crop pests, and their natural enemies), as well as spiders. The monitoring results will help to understand how diversifying the agricultural landscape affects different organism groups and what impact the grassland strips have on crop yields.

The challenging winter brought setbacks as well. The grassland strips sown last year by Järvamaa Vocational Education Center had to be re-established due to winter damage, however, this will not halt their future efforts. Due to winter damage, additional grass seed will also need to be sown on the grassland strips established last year in the fields of OÜ Sadala Agro.

Grassland strips established this year will be monitored in 2025.

Establishment of grassland strips in the field of Mäemõisa OÜ (Sander Hiire)



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